Ambrose Alli University Ekpoma Job Vacancies
Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, job vacancies for Academic Staff and Senior Non-Teaching Staff – Internal and External Advertisement.
Vacancies for Academic Staff Positions (Internal and External Advertisement)
Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for the following positions in the University.
Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, formerly Bendel State University was established by the then Executive Governor of Bendel State, Professor A.F. Alli. The primary objective of the University is to provide educational opportunities for the numerous youths of the then Bendel State origin who could not get places in the few Federal Universities towards the fulfillment of their educational aspiration at the tertiary level. The University found practical expression for its existence with the admission of 408 students spread across the then eight (8) Colleges. The first matriculation of the first set of students was on the 8th of February, 1982.
The University has students spread across the programmes in the School of Postgraduate Studies, College of Medicine with three Faculties and 11 other Faculties, as well as the Directorate of Science and Humanities and the Institute of Education. The University is located at Ujemen, Ekpoma with an Annex at Emaudo, Ekpoma.
a. Department of English
Positions of Lecturer I, Lecturer II and Assistant Lecturer with specialization in Literature and Linguistics.
b. Department of Modern Language
Positions of Lecturer II and Assistant Lecturer with specialization in any of the following areas: German Language/Linguistics and Translation.
c. Department of Philosophy
Positions of Lecturer II and Assistant Lecturer with specialization in any of the following areas: Metaphysics/Ontology, Epistemology, Existentialism and Phenomenology, Philosophy of Science, Logic/Critical Thinking, Ethics and Hermeneutics.
d. Department of Religious Management and Cultural Studies
Positions of Lecturer II and Assistant Lecturer with specialization in any of the following areas: Church History, New Testament, African Traditional Religion, Christian Theology, Comparative Theology, Islamic Studies and Philosophy.
e. Department of Theatre and Media Arts
Positions of Lecturer II and Assistant Lecturer with specialization in any of the following areas: Dramatic Criticism/Drama, Media Arts/films, Music, Dance, Technical Theatre,Theatre Management, Costume/Make-up, Children Theatre and Theatre for Development.
f. Department of History and International Studies
Positions of Lecturer II and Assistant Lecturer with specialization in International Relation.
g. Department of Mass Communication
Positions of Professor, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer II and Assistant Lecturer.
a. Department of Agric. Econs and Extension
Positions of Lecturer I, Lecturer II and Assistant Lecturer with specialization in any of the following areas: Agricultural Extension and Agricultural Economics.
b. Department of Animal Science
Positions of Senior Lecturer, Lecturer II, Assistant Lecturer and Veterinary Doctor with specialization in any of the followingareas: Physiology, Animal Health, Fishery and Breeding and Genetic.
c. Department of Soil Science
Positions of Senior Lecturer, Lecturer II and Assistant Lecturer with specialization in any of the followingareas: Soil Chemistry, Soil Physics, Farm Mechanization, Mineralogy, Pedology, Environmental Pollution and Environmental Toxicology.
d. Department of Crop Science
Positions of Lecturer II and Assistant Lecturer with specialization in any of the followingareas: Crop Breeding & Genetics, Crop/Forage Production, Weed Science, Forestry & Wild Life, Crop Protection (Entomology), Physiology and Agricultural Biotechnology.
a. Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Positions of Lecturer II and Assistant Lecturer with specialization in any of the followingareas: Early childhood Education, Language Education and Social Studies Education.
b. Department of Human Kinetics and Health Education
Positions of Lecturer II and Assistant Lecturer with specialization in any of the following: Kinetics and Health Education.
c. Department of Guidance and Counselling
Positions of Lecturer I and Lecturer II and Assistant Lecturer with specialization in any of the followingareas: Psychology, Measurement and Evaluation.
d. Department of Educational Foundations and Management
Positions of Lecturer I, Lecturer II and Assistant Lecturer with specialization in any of the followingareas: Educational Planning, Philosophy of Education and History of Education.
e. Department of Vocational and Technical Education
Positions of Lecturer II and Assistant Lecturer with specialization in any of the followingareas: Mechanical Technology Education, Electrical and Electronics Technology Education and Wood Work Technology Education.
f. Department of Business Education
Position of Assistant Lecturer with specialization in any of the followingareas: Secretarial/Office Technology and Management Education and Marketing Education.
g. Department of Library and Information Science
Positions of Professor, Associate Professor and Senior Lecturer with specialization in any of the followingareas: Research Methods, Bibliometrics, Indexing and Abstracting, ICT, Web Design and Information Products and Services.
a. Department of Industrial and Production Engineering
Positions of Lecturer II and Assistant Lecturer with specialization in any of the followingareas: Manufacturing & Industrial Engineering, Agricultural and Bio-Resources Engineering and Metallurgical Engineering.
b. Department of Civil Engineering
Positions of Lecturer I and Lecturer II with specialization in any of the followingareas: Structural Engineering, Highway & Transportation Engineering, Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Surveying and Geo-informatics and Water Resources and Environmental Engineering.
c. Department of Mechanical Engineering
Positions of Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I and Lecturer II with specialization in any of the followingareas: Solid Mechanics/Mechatronics, Design/Solid Mechanics, Computational Fluid Dynamics and Thermo Fluid/Energy.
Positions of Lecturer II and Assistant Lecturer with specialization in any of the followingareas: Health Education, Management Science,Personnel Psychology, Adult Education, Clinical psychology and Computer Courses.
a. Department of Physics
Positions of Lecturer I, Lecturer II and Assistant Lecturer with specialization in any of the followingareas: Solid State Physics and Electronics Physics.
b. Department of Chemistry
Positions of Lecturer I, Lecturer II and Assistant Lecturer with specialization in any of the followingareas: General Chemistry, Physical/Inorganic/Analytical/Industrial Chemistry.
c. Department of Mathematics
Positions of Professor and Lecturer I with specialization in any of the following: Pure and Applied Mathematics and Statistics.
d. Department of Computer Science
Positions of Professor, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer II, Assistant Lecturer with specialization in any of the followingareas: Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Software Computing, Machine Leaning / Reinforcement Learning, Internet or Things (IOT), Cyber Security, Web Mining Intelligent, Information Management, Cloud Computing, Computer Network Security, Embedded system, Mobile Computing, Computer Architecture, Information Technology, Ubiquitous Computing and Information Security.
a. Department of Zoology
Positions of Lecturer II and Assistant Lecturer with specialization in any of the followingareas: Molecular Parasitology, Agricultural Entomology and Environmental Biology.
b. Department of Microbiology
Positions of Lecturer I, Lecturer II and Assistant Lecturer with specialization in any of the followingareas: Virology/Immunology, Environmental Microbiology and Food/Industrial microbiology
c. Department of Human Nutrition and Dietetics
Positions of Lecturer I, Lecturer II and Assistant Lecturer with specialization in Human Nutrition and Dietetics
d. Department of Biochemistry
Positions of Lecturer II and Assistant Lecturer with specialization in any of the followingareas: Industrial Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Biochemical Genetics and Molecular Biology, Clinical Biochemistry, Enzymology and Bioinformatics and Computational Biochemistry and Bioinformatics.
a. Department of Business Administration
Positions of Lecturer I, Lecturer II and Assistant Lecturer
b. Department of Accounting
Positions of Professor, Senior Lecturer and Assistant Lecturer
a. Department of Sociology
Positions of Lecturer II and Assistant Lecturer with specialization in any of the followingareas: Political Sociology, Medical Sociology, Social/Cultural Anthropology, Demography / Population, Industrial Sociology Studies and Crime / Deviance.
b. Department of Psychology
Positions of Professor, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer IIand Assistant Lecturer.
c. Department of Political Science
Positions of Lecturer II and Assistant Lecturer with specialization in any of the following areas: Comparative Politics and Political Economy and Political Theory, International Relations and Public Administration.
Academic Librarian in Cadre ofSenior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer II and AssistantLecturer.
a. Department of Histopathology
Positions of Lecturer II and Assistant Lecturer with specialization in any of the followingareas: Neuropathology, Cyto Pathology, Forensic Pathology, Dermato Pathology, Bone and Soft Tissue Pathology.
b. Department of Chemical Pathology
Positions of Professor, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I and Lecturer II with specialization in any of the followingareas: General Chemical Pathology, Toxicology, Lipids, Nutrition and micronutrients and Endocrinology.
c. Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Positions of Lecturer I and Lecturer II
e. Department of Medical Microbiology & Parasitology
Positions of Lecturer II and Assistant Lecturer
d. Department of Haematology and Blood Transfusion
Positions of Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer and Lecturer I with specialization in any of the followingareas: General Haematology, Coagulation and Oncology
a. Department of Medicine
Positions of Lecturer II and Assistant Lecturer with specialization in any of the followingareas: Neurologist, endocrinologist, Cardiologist, Nephrologists, Gastroenterologist and Pulmonologist.
b. Department of Paediatrics
Positions of Lecturer II and Assistant Lecturer with specialization in any of the followingareas: Emergency Paediatrics, Adolescent Medicine, Paediatrics Endocrinology, Community Paediatrics, Critical Care Paediatrics, Paediatrics Infectious Disease.
c. Department of Mental Health
Positions of Lecturer II and Assistant Lecturer with specialization in any of the followingareas: Child and adolescent Psychiatry and Consultation Liaison Psychiatry.
d. Radiology
Positions of Lecturer II and Assistant Lecturer with specialization in any of the followingareas: Vascular Radiology, Interventional Radiology, Gastrointestinal Radiology and Neuroradiology.
e. Department of Ophtamology
Positions of Lecturer II and Assistant Lecturer with specialization in any of the followingareas: Glaucoma, Oculoplastics, Neuro-ophthalmology, Low Vision and Cateract.
f. Department of Community Health
Positions of Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I and Lecturer II.
g. Department of Family Medicine
Positions of Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I and Lecturer II.
h. Department of Orthopedics
Positions of Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I and Lecturer II.
i. Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Positions of Lecturer II and Assistant Lecturer with specialization in Endoscopy and Infectious diseases.
a. Department of Anatomy
Positions of Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer IIand Assistant Lecturer.
b. Department of Human Physiology
Positions of Lecturer II and Assistant Lecturer.
c. Department of Nursing
Positions of Professor, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer II.
d. Department of Medical Biochemistry
Positions of Lecturer II and Assistant Lecturer with specialization in any of the followingareas: Clinical Biochemistry, Nutritional Biochemistry, Molecular/Cell Biochemistry and Pharmacological/Toxicology Biochemistry
e. Department of Medical Laboratory Science
Positions of Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer II and Assistant Lecturer with specialization in any of the following areas: Chemical Pathology, Haematology/Blood Group Serology, Histopathology and Medical Microbiology, Medical Laboratory Technician.
Department of Private and Property Law
Positions of Lecturer II and Assistant Lecturer with specialization in any of the followingareas: Land Law, Law of Torts, Equity and Trust Law.
a. Department of Architecture
Positions of Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer II and Assistant Lecturer.
b. Department of Geography and Environmental Management
Positions of Lecturer II and Assistant Lecturer with specialization in any of the followingareas: Geoinformatics, Biogeography, Urban and Environmental Planning,Urban and Environmental Planning Geomorphology and Hydrology.
c. Department of Building
Positions of Lecturer II and Assistant Lecturer with specialization in any of the followingareas: Building Maintenance, Building services, Building Structure, Construction Management and Construction Technology.
d. Department of Visual Arts and Creative Design
Positions of Lecturer II and Assistant Lecturer with specialization in any of the followingareas: Painting, Graphics, Textiles, Metal Design and Ceramics.
At least, three years as an Associate Professor or its equivalent post in case of promotion. But by direct appointment as Senior Lecturer to Professor, at least 6 years as Senior Lecturer or equivalent post. In addition to the above, the following criteria must be satisfied:
(a) Qualifications as for Associate Professor;
(b) Evidence of scholarly publications, for which the candidate must have, at least, 40 points, in reputable journals;
(c) The publications must have been read and assessed by relevant Head of Department or an appropriate competent person in the discipline, where the publications are outside the field of a competent person within the Department. The assessment must be made available to the Review and Appraisal Panel and Appointments and Promotions Committee;
(d) Evidence of maturity, Awards, scholarly and leadership roles at National and International levels;
(e) Favourable reports on publications and research papers from, at least, two out of three distinguished External Assessors;
(f) Evidence of administrative experience.
Associate Professor
At least, three years as a Senior Lecturer in addition to the following:
(a) Candidate must possess Ph.D degree or a Fellowship for Clinical Lecturers;
(b) Evidence of Scholarly publications for which the candidate must have a minimum of 28 points;
(c) The publications must have been read and assessed by relevant Head of Department or an appropriate competent person in the discipline where the publications are outside the field of a competent person within the Department. This assessment must have been made available to the Review and Appraisal Panel and Appointments and Promotions Committee.
(d) Evidence of maturity, scholarly and professional leadership roles in the University and / or at National and International levels.
(e) Evidence of continued efficiency as a Teacher and Researcher; favourable reports on his publications / research papers from at least, two out of three distinguished External Assessors.
Senior Lecturer
At least, three years as Lecturer I in addition to the following:
(a) Candidate must possess Ph.D degree.
(b) In professional disciplines, Masters degree plus registration with relevant recognized professional bodies is adequate. However, candidate must endeavour to obtain a Ph.D. if he wishes to aspire to the position of Reader and/or Professor.
(c) In the College of Medicine, Clinical Lecturers with Fellowship qualifications will suffice; evidence of research through recognized publications for which the candidate must have at least 18 points in reputable journals or 28 points for those in professional areas without Ph.D.
(d) The publications must have been read and assessed by the relevant Head of Department or an appropriate competent person in the discipline, where the publications are outside the field of a competent person within the Department. This assessment must be made available to the Review and Appraisal Panel and the Appointments and Promotions Committee.
(e) Evidence of maturity, good academic leadership and integrity.
Lecturer I
At least three years teaching experience as a Lecturer II in addition to the following:
(a) Evidence of research through recognized publications, for which the candidate must possess at least 8 points; or a Ph.D degree with one publication in a learned journal.
(b) In professional disciplines, Ph.D holders duly registered with recognized bodies may be considered for appointment to the post of Lecturer I.
(c) For Clinical Lecturers, candidate must have Postgraduate Fellowship to qualify for Lecturer I.
Lecturer II
Candidate must possess a Ph.D degree; or at least, 3 years teaching experience as Assistant Lecturer in addition to at least 4 points from recognized publications. In professional disciplines such as Law, Engineering and Architecture, Masters’ degree plus registration with relevant recognized professional bodies is adequate. For the College of Medicine, candidate must possess M.B.B.S.
Assistant Lecturer
A Masters’ degree; except in the Faculty of Law where a good honours degree and Call to the Bar are acceptable and in the Faculty of Engineering and Technology where a good honours degree and registration with COREN are acceptable. Similarly, in the Department of Architecture, a good honours degree plus Masters’ degree is acceptable.
Method of Application
All applications should be accompanied by twenty-five (25) copies each of the applicants curriculum vitae indicating the Following;
i. Full Name
ii. Date of Birth (Indicating day, month, year and birth Certificate supported with sworn affidavit
iii. Sex
vi. Marital Status
v. State of Origin
vi. Nationality
vii. Contact address and Phone Number
viii. Permanent Home Address
ix. Educational & Professional Qualification (including Institution attended/awarding bodies and dates obtained
x. Work Experience
xi. Present Position & salary if applicable
xii. Names, Phone number and Addresses of three refereesCandidates should request their referees to send reports on them, under confidential cover to the Registrar, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma.
The salary and conditions of services are as applicable to the posts advertised above in Nigeria Universities and as may be determined from time to time.
All applications should be forwarded in properly sealed envelopes with position applied for indicated on top left corner and addressed to:
The Registrar,
Ambrose Alli University
P. M. B. 14, Ekpoma
Edo State
Closing date is two (2) weeks from the date of this Publication.
Vacancies for Senior Non-Teaching Staff Positions (Internal and External Advertisement)
Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for the following positions in the areas stated below:
Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, formerly Bendel State University was established by the then Executive Governor of Bendel State, Professor A.F. Alli. The primary objective of the University is to provide educational opportunities for the numerous youths of the then Bendel State origin who could not get places in the few Federal Universities towards the fulfillment of their educational aspiration at the tertiary level. The University found practical expression for its existence with the admission of 408 students spread across the then eight (8) Colleges. The first matriculation of the first set of students was on the 8th of February, 1982.
The University has students spread across the programmes in the School of Postgraduate Studies, College of Medicine with three Faculties and 11 other Faculties, as well as the Directorate of Science and Humanities and the Institute of Education. The University is located at Ujemen, Ekpoma with an Annex at Emaudo, Ekpoma.
(i) Administrative Assistants
(ii) Executive Officers
(iii) Confidential Secretaries
(iv) Sports Coaches
(i) Higher Library Officers
(i) Accountant II
(i) Internal Auditor II
(i) Architect II
(ii) Quantity Surveyor II
(iii) Pupil Engineer
(iv) Builder II
(v) Estate Officer II
(vi) Higher Technical Officers
(i) Quantity Surveyor II
(ii) Works Superintendent I
(iii) Land Surveyor II
(i) Accountants
(i) Journalist
(i) Data Analyst
(ii) Network Officers
(i) Technologist II
(i) Technologist II
(i) Technologist II
(i) Technologist II
(i) Technologist II
(i) Technologist II
1. Technologist II
2. Photographer
3. News Writer
4. Production Manager
5. Radio Technologist
6. Media/TV Instructor
(i) Technologist II
(i) Technologist II
(i) Data Analyst
(i) Medical Lab Scientist
(ii) Medical Lab. Technologist
For the post of Administrative Assistant, applicants must possess the following qualifications: A good degree from a recognized University or its equivalent, in Social Sciences and Management Sciences Discipline, with a minimum of Second Class Lower Division. Computer literacy is an added advantage.
For the post of Executive Officer, applicants must possess the following qualifications:
(a) Diploma in relevant field. Proficiency in Computer is an added advantage.
(b) OND in the relevant field or its equivalent with at least 3 years relevant post-qualification experience.
(c) 2 subjects at a sitting or 3 subjects at two sittings at the HSC/GCE (A/L) with at least 4 years relevant experience. Computer literacy is an added advantage.
For the post of Confidential Secretary I, applicants must possess the following qualifications: (a) HND/University degree in Secretarial Studies and must be proficient in Computer.
(b) 5 subjects in WASC/GCE with 3 credits including English Language or its equivalent and R.S.A. or Government Training School Certificate or their equivalent for 120/50 w.p.m. in Shorthand and Typewriting with 6 years Stenographic/Secretarial experience including period of formal training or 2 years post-qualification relevant experience.
(c) Promotion avenue for Confidential Secretary II with 120/50 w.p.m. in Shorthand and Typewriting with 4 years relevant experience. Computer literacy is compulsory.
For the post of Sport Coach II, applicants must possess the following qualifications:
(a) A good degree in Physical Education, with a minimum of second Class Lower Division
(b) NCE/Diploma in Physical Education or its equivalent with 4years post-qualification relevant experience in coaching with a minimum of second Class Lower Division
For the post Higher Library Officer, applicants must possess the following qualifications:
(c) Diploma in Library Studies from a recognized University or equivalent with at least 3 years relevant experience. Proficiency in Computer is an added advantage.
For the post of Accountant II, applicants must possess the following qualifications: Bachelor of Science degree or HND in Accountancy or its equivalent, with a minimum of Second Class Lower Division. Proficiency in Computer is an added advantage.
For the post of Internal Auditor II, applicants must possess the following qualifications:
(a) A good University degree in Accountancy, with a minimum of Second Class Lower Division
(b) HND in Accountancy, Proficiency in Computer is an added advantage.
For the post of Architect II, applicants must possess the following qualifications:
B.Arch. Or any equivalent qualification from a recognized institution.
For the post of Quantity Surveyor II, applicants must possess the following qualifications:
By direct appointment of a candidate possessing any of the following qualifications or it’s equivalent registerable with the Nigerian Institute of Quantity Surveying. Proficiency in Computer is an added advantage.
(a) B.Sc./HND in Quantity Surveying
(b) A pass in the final Examination of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors.
(c) A pass in the final Examination of the Nigerian Institute of Quantity Surveyors,
For the post of Surveyor II, applicants must possess the following qualifications:
(a) B.Sc./HND in Surveying or its equivalent in Land Surveying, Engineering, Geodetic Engineering or Geodetic Science from a recognized university.
(b) A good University degree in Mathematics, Engineering, Physics, or in Geography with Mathematics as subsidiary subject.
For the post of Pupil Engineer, applicants must possess the following qualifications:
(a) A good degree or its equivalent qualification in Engineering (Civil, Electrical or Mechanical) registered with the Council for Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN), with a minimum of Second Class Lower Division.
For the post of Builder II, By direct appointment of a applicants possessing any of the following qualifications or their equivalents which are provisionally registerable with the Council of Registered Builders of Nigeria (CORBON):
(a) A degree in Building or Building Technology from a recognized University.
(b) A pass in the Final Part II Examination of the Nigerian Institute of Builders.
(c) A pass in the Final Part II Examination of the Chartered Institute of Builders of England15
For the post of Estate Officer II, applicants must possess the following qualifications: B.Sc. or HND in Estate Management and registerable with the Nigeria Institution of Estate Surveyors and Valuers (NIESV).
For the post of Higher Technical Officer, (a) By appointment of applicants with C&G (full Tech.) in the relevant Technical field.
(b) By appointment of candidate with HND/Equivalent in relevant Technical Field
For the post of Surveyor II, applicants must possess the following qualifications: (a) A good University degree /HND or its equivalent in Land Surveying, Engineering, Geodetic Engineering or Geodetic Science from a recognized University.
(b) A good University degree in Mathematics, Engineering, Physics or in Geography with Mathematics as subsidiary subject. With minimum of Second Class Lower Division
For the post of Works Superintendent I, applicants must possess the following qualifications: (a) NABTEB with 4 years experience.
(b) Trade Test I or its equivalent experience with 12 years relevant experience.
(c) C&G (intermediate Tech)/NABEC with 6 years relevant experience.
For the post of Data Analyst, applicants must possess the following qualifications: (a) West African School Certificate with at least 2 years of recognized education in computer programming or data processing.
(b) OND/University Diploma in Computer Science or related area with 2 years relevant experience.
For the post of Laboratory Supervisor II, applicants must possess the following qualifications: (a) HND in Laboratory Science Technology.
(b) Associate of the Institute of Science Technology.
(c) OND in Laboratory Technology with 4 years relevant experience
For the post of Technologist II, applicants must possess the following qualifications: HND, B.Sc. (professional degree) registrable with the relevant professional bodies
For the post of Production Manager (Radio &TV), News writer, Photographer, Media/TV Instructor, applicants must possess the following qualifications: (a) HND or any equivalent qualification (b) Diploma in the relevant areas. Proficiency in Computer is an added advantage.
S. Conditions of Service
The same as applicable to all Senior Staff of Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma.
T. Salary Scale
Administrative Assistants – CONUSSS 7
Executive Officers – CONUSSS 6
Confidential Secretaries – CONUSSS 7
Sport Coaches II – CONUSSS 7
Higher Library Officers – CONUSSS 7
Accountants II – CONUSSS 7
Internal Auditor II – CONUSSS 7
Architect II – CONUSSS 7
Quantity Surveyor II – CONUSSS 7
Surveyor II – CONUSSS 7
Pupil Engineer – CONUSSS 7
Builder II – CONUSSS 7
Estate Officer II – CONUSSS 7
Higher Technical Officers – CONUSSS 7
Works Superintendent I – CONUSSS 7
Journalist – CONUSSS 7
Data Analyst – CONUSSS 6
Network Officers – CONUSSS 7
Technologist II – CONUATSS 7
Photographer – CONUSSS 7
News Writer – CONUSSS 7
Production Manager – CONUSSS 7
Radio Technologist II – CONUSSS 7
Media/TV Instructor – CONUSSS 7
Medical Lab Scientist – CONUATSS 7
Medical Lab. Technologist – CONUATSS 7
U. Method of Application
All applications should be accompanied by twenty-five (25) copies each of the applicant’s curriculum vitae indicating the Following;
Full Name, Data of Birth (Indicating day, month, year, and birth Certificate supported with sworn affidavit), Sex, Marital Status, State of Origin, Nationality , Contact address and Phone Number, Permanent home address, Educational & Professional Qualifications (including Institutions attended/awarding bodies and dates obtained), Work Experience, Present Position & salary if applicable, names, Phone number and addresses of three referees. Candidates should request their referees to send reports on them, under confidential cover to the Registrar, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma.
All applications should be forwarded in properly sealed envelopes with position applied for indicated on top left corner and addressed to:
The Registrar,
Ambrose Alli University
P. M. B. 14, Ekpoma
Edo State
Closing date is two (2) weeks from the date of this Publication.
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