Global Peace Photo Award 2021 for Photographers | €10,000 prize

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Entries are invited from photographers from all over the world for the Global Peace Photo Award (formerly the Alfred Fried Photography Award) 2021. The deadline for submission of entries is 23rd May, 2021.

Global Peace Photo Award

The Global Peace Photo Award recognizes and promotes photographers from all over the world whose pictures capture human efforts towards a peaceful world and the quest for beauty and goodness in our lives. The award goes to those photographs that best express the idea that our future lies in peaceful coexistence.

The Global Peace Photo Award (formerly the Alfred Fried Photography Award) is organized by Edition Lammerhuber in partnership with Photographische Gesellschaft (PHG), UNESCO, Austrian Parliament, Austrian Parliamentary Reporting Association, International Press Institute (IPI), German Youth Photography Award and the World Press Photo Foundation.

Global Peace Photo Award Eligibility.

Global Peace Photo Award Benefits.

How to Submit Entries for Global Peace Photo Award.

You upload your entry as a .jpg file or files. You can make changes to your entries or delete them at any time prior to the deadline. You need to finalise and submit your entry before the entry deadline.

Interested photographers should submit their entries by clicking on the “Submit” button below:

Submit Here Official Link