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Notice to ACU Students Owing School Fees - 2016/17

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Ajayi Crowther University, ACU notice to all students who are still defaulting in the payment of their school fees for the 2016/2017 academic session.

Ajayi Crowther University notice to defaulters

In view of the Ajayi Crowther University (ACU) forth-coming 2nd semester examination scheduled to commence on 05 June 2017, all students who are still owing their fees for the on-going (2016/2017) session should settle their outstanding fees immediately.

For the avoidance of doubt, NO student owing fees will be given any concession to write the exam.

Recommended: Ajayi Crowther University School Fees Schedule.

Students should therefore realise that this is 2nd semester and failure to write the examination will result in automatic loss of one academic session as courses missed this semester will only be available during the 2nd semester of next session.

In the light of the above information, all students who have fully paid their fees should proceed to the Bursary to obtain their final financial clearance for the session, from Wednesday 9 May 2017 to be eligible to write their examination.  

See also: Ajayi Crowther University Exam Timetable – 2nd Semester 2016/17.