UNILORIN Add/Drop Form Deadline & Other Details - 2016/17
University of Ilorin, UNILORIN add/drop form deadline and other details for returning students for the first semester, 2016/2017 academic session.
This is to inform all the returning students of the University of Ilorin (UNILORIN) that the management of the institution has announced the deadline and other details as regards the first semester, 2016/2017 academic session Add/Drop form.
Students are to note the following instructions which are to be strictly adhered to, please.
- Students are to attach a copy of their course forms to the Add & Drop Form.
- In cases where the Credit loading is going to exceed the maximum of 24 credits, kindly attach to the Add & Drop Form, a copy of the course registration and Dean’s approval of the extra Credit(s)
- The minimum Credit allowed is 15 Credits, except for spill over students whose minimum is 5Credits.
- This Add & Drop Form is for the Harmattan Semester only, as any inclusion of Rain Semester Courses would not be entertained.
- Forms not accompanied with necessary documents that would allow the Academic Support Services validate the claim made in application would not be treated, please.
- The Add & Drop Form will not be accessible on line as from Thursday, 9th February,2017.
All forms properly collated and with all necessary attachments should reach the Academic Support Services Directorate not later than Friday, 10th February, 2017.
MSG Team.
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