EdTech Evidence for Entrepreneurs Course 2022

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EdTech Evidence for Entrepreneurs Course 2022 is calling for applications from EdTech innovators and entrepreneurs based in Africa. The deadline for the submission of applications is August 18, 2022.

EdTech Evidence for Entrepreneurs Course

The EdTech Evidence for Entrepreneurs course is designed for African EdTech innovators and entrepreneurs who want to ensure that their EdTech products are based on the best available evidence for improving teaching and learning outcomes.

People working on EdTech products are always talking about how they want to incorporate more research on teaching and learning into the design of their product, and they are keen to show how their product builds on the best available evidence. But they’re not sure where to begin. This course is designed to meet that demand.

The course, which is supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Jacobs Foundation, and UK Aid, is designed to help you enhance your EdTech product by providing practical, evidence-based lessons from fellow entrepreneurs, industry professionals, and education leaders.

EdTech Evidence for Entrepreneurs Course Eligibility

EdTech Evidence for Entrepreneurs Course Cost

EdTech Evidence for Entrepreneurs Course Benefits

How to Apply for EdTech Evidence for Entrepreneurs Course

Interested candidates who meet the criteria listed above should apply by clicking on the “Apply” button below:

Apply Here Official Link (https://edtechhub.org/edtech-tools/edtech-entrepreneurship-course/)

The submission window for the first cohort (Eastern Africa) closes on August 18, 2022.