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NOUN Business School Admission Form 2019/2020

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National Open University (NOUN) Business School admission form for the 2019/2020 academic session is now on sale.

Admission into NOUN Business School

Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for admission into the Executive / professional Masters Degree Programmes of the National Open University (NOUN) Business School for the 2019/2020 academic session.

About NOUN Business School Programmes

Through these programmes, the NOUN Business School (NBS) will be fulfilling its mandate of providing:

NOUN Business School Philosophy, Aims & Objectives


The philosophy behind this course is to enable students extent their background into the strategic field of energy economics and management Since competency in energy management entails a combination of sophisticated skills in the art science and technology of management the programme emphasises a quantitative approach to management problems and provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the economic. Managerial and technological forces that influence modem transportation.


The prop aced programme aims at providing future specialists with technical knowledge of energy economics and resourees management practices and principles: explaining energy economists and managers can respond to the challenges of the sector by using inter-organisational cooperative strategies within the energy and natural recounts business: learning to use modem information technology, and integrating economies and management as a core competency. A major aim will be to encourage professionals to design energy systems for the optimization of specific energy and recounts management.


To expose prospective postgraduate professionals to areas of study related to design of energy systems for the optimization of specific energy and resources management. Economies; planning and management skills and other energy and resources management related fields. These professionals could then propose their competence in the following fields: energy law, petroleum economies, environmental management in the energy industry, petroleum and natural resources management and renewal energies.

NOUN Business School Courses

In 2017, the following non-academic Executive Programmes were approved by NUC for NOUN Business School (NBS) in collaborative partnership with the Office of the Accountant General of the Federation (OAGF). The following programmes are to be offered:

  1. Master of Business Administration (MBA) with the following areas of specialisation:
    • Accounting
    • Agro-Business Management
    • Banking and Finance
    • Cooperative Management
    • e-Business
    • Financial Management
    • Human Resource Management
    • Information Technology
    • Marketing
    • Media House Management
    • Micro Finance Banking
    • Sports Management
    • Security and Safety Management
    • Tourism and Hospitality Management
  2. Master of Public Administration (MPA) with the following areas of specialisation:
    • Public Personnel Management
    • Public Sector Reform
    • Educational Management
    • Budgeting and Finance
    • Public Financial Management
    • Local Government Administration
    • Health Management
    • Disaster and Safety Management
    • Population and Refugees Studies
    • Deregulation, Privatisation and Commercialisation
    • Public-Private Partnership
    • Equality, Gender Studies and Intergovernmental Relations
  3. Master of Justice Administration (MJA) with the following areas of specialisation:
    • Alternative Dispute Resolution
    • Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement
    • Internal Dispute Settlement
    • Settlement of Local and International Boundary Disputes
    • Traditional/Family Values and Dispute Resolution
  4. Master of Transport Management (EMTM) with the following areas of specialisation:
    • Air Transportation
    • Road Transportation
    • Railway Transportation
    • Maritime Transportation
  5. Master of Security and Terrorism Studies (MSTS)
  6. Master of Managerial Psychology (MMP)
  7. Master of Corporate Governance (MCG)
  8. Master of International Relations and Diplomacy (MIRD)
  9. Master of Critical Thinking and Analytical Reasoning (MCTAR)
  10. Master of Energy Economics and Management (MEEM) with the following areas of specialization:
    • Energy Law
    • Petroleum Economics
    • Environmental Management in the Energy Industry
    • Petroleum and Natural Resource Management
    • Renewable Energy
  11. Master of Financial Management with emphasis on Budgeting and Project Implementation (MFM)
  12. Master of Filmmaking and Cinematography (MFC)
  13. Master of Advertising and Public Relations (MAPR)
  14. Master of Security and Law Enforcement (MSLE)
  15. Master of Healthcare Planning and Management (MHPM)
  16. Commonwealth Executive Masters in Business Administration (CEMBA)
  17. Commonwealth Executive Masters in Public Administration (CEMPA)
  18. Professional Masters
    • Master of Business Administration (MBA) 
    • Master of Public Administration (MPA)

NOUN Business School Admission Requirements

NOUN Business School Executive Master’s programmes are open to anyone who is desirous of acquiring a higher degree in Management, Finance, Justice Administration, etc.. In this regard, applicants will be required to have any of the following:

NOUN Business School Mode Of Study & Duration

Mode of Study: There is flexibility in the mode of study with Full-Time, Part-Time, Executive and Sandwich options as applicable.

Duration: The minimum period for the completion of the programme is four (4) semesters and a maximum of eight (8) semesters.

How to Apply for Admission into NOUN Business School Programmes

Interested candidates for admission into the year 2019/2020 session are requested to complete the admission form online at Please complete one form only.

Application fees: N20.000.00.

Kindly log on to the link: Click on “Pay A Federal Government Agency“. Fill the information that follows it Receipt from the hank should be submitted in Abuja, Lagos and Port Harcourt NOUN study centres.

Candidates in Lagos metropolis should submit theirs at NBS Liaison Office, National Open University of Nigeria, 14/I 6 Ahmadu Bello Way, Victoria Island, Lagos.

For more information please call: 0818174874, 08146309570, 08162901093 Email:

Admission Test: There shall he Executive Management Admission Test which is a simple general management aptitude test, similar to the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT). Candidates for the admission test can choose any of the following centres Abuja. Port-Harcourt and Lagos.

Screening Test Dates: The test dates will be announced in due course.

Learning Center: Federal Treasury Academy,Orom via Nyanya, FCT,Abuja.