UNILAG Direct Entry Admission List 2021/2022
University of Lagos, UNILAG direct entry admission list for the 2021/2022 academic session is out. Prospective candidates can now check their admission status.
The authorities of the University of Lagos (UNILAG) have released the list of direct entry candidates offered provisional admission into its various First Degree prorammes for the 2021/2022 academic session.
How to Check UNILAG Direct Entry Admission List
Candidates are to check their admission status on JAMB portal. Follow the procedure outlined below:
- Go to the JAMB E-Facility portal at jamb.gov.ng/efacility/.
- Login to your Jamb profile with your username and password.
- Scroll down then locate and click the ‘Check Admission Status‘ tab.
- Select your Exam year and Enter your registration number in the required columns.
- Finally, click on ‘Check Admission Status‘ to access your UNILAG admission status.
Successfully admitted? You’re advised to login to JAMB portal to either ACCEPT or REJECT your admission offer — How to Reject/Accept Your Admission on JAMB CAPS.
Congratulations to all the candidates that made it to UNILAG Direct Entry Admission List for the 2021/2022 academic session.
RECOMMENDED: List Of Schools Whose Admission Lists Are Out.
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