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Adventist College of Nursing Sciences Jengre

Adventist College of Nursing Sciences, Jengre Basic Midwifery Admission

In a significant development for aspiring midwives across Nigeria, the Adventist College of Nursing Sciences, Jengre, has announced the opening of application forms for its esteemed 3-year Basic Midwifery programme for the year 2024. This programme is meticulously designed to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and competencies needed to …

Adventist College of Nursing Sciences, Jengre Admission List

You’ve taken the crucial step of participating in the entrance examination at the Adventist College of Nursing Sciences, Jengre for the 2023/2024 academic session. Now, the moment you’ve been anticipating has arrived: it’s time to check your admission status. This guide provides you with a clear, step-by-step process to ascertain …

Adventist College of Nursing Sciences Jengre Admission Form

Are you passionate about caring for others and dreaming of a career in nursing? The Adventist College of Nursing Sciences, Jengre, accredited by the Nursing and Midwifery Council, is your gateway to becoming a professional in this noble field. Dive into the details of their Basic Nursing Programme and see …